Friday, January 16, 2009

Barilla Annual Party

Tonight was Barilla's annual party. They called it a holiday party, but it seems sort of weird since Christmas and New Years are distant memories right now. It was fun to get dressed up and go out for the evening. My brother and sil watched the girls for us and I am pretty sure I drove them crazy with phone calls. We had a yummy dinner and chocolate fudge cheesecake for dessert that was simply to die for. I only wish someone would have said "hey Renee, your hair is all windblown"
before we took pictures. They had a drawing for prizes and Dave won an Italian cooking cookbook and a gift card for Panera (which is the east coast label for Wildflower Bread company).


Clarissa said...

Wow, you guys look awesome! Hope you had a good time!

Kayla said...

glad you were able to go out, and i think your hair looks great! people probaly thought you were going for the windblown look!