Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yeah Vix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are pleased to share our excitement that Victoria is potty trained!!!!! Now, some of you ( and I know who) are thinking well, she's nearly 4 she should be. And you're right, sort of. In a perfect world, she would have been, well over a year ago. My big girl hasn't lived in a perfect world! She has faced 2 moves (1 major one), a new sister, surgery, and a communication delay in a very short amount of time. That would be a lot even for an adult to go through, not to mention a toddler. We have been patient and worked on it diligently and have finally said "so long!" to diapers.
I find it amazing how much of our life hinges on being able to hear, speak, and understand. I imagine it like being in a foreign country and having someone yell at you in their native tongue and you being clueless to translate. Victoria's speech has improved incredibly now that she had the tonsillectomy and all those missing pieces (like potty training and following directions) are falling into place.
I've never seen Harvard ask what age you were potty trained on their application!! Go Vix, we are so proud of you!!!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

congrats! potty training is great! it's nice not to have the added expense of diapers and to have to tote them around...however, now you have to pack extra panties...so i guess it's not much different :) I always like when my kids are potty trained though, it's a great moment!