Friday, October 17, 2008

Post-Tonsilectomy Bug

Victoria has a cold, her first one since the tonsil/adenoid-ectomy. I find myself amazed again. Victoria has never had a 'little' cold. She would go from feeling fine to majorly sick, the illness would drag on for weeks and weeks and 90% of the time it would turn into an ear infection. When she started with the sniffles the other day, my heart sank. I ran off to the drug store and stocked up on all the usual products I would need to get her through and prepared myself for weeks of misery. I am excited to report that she is better ALREADY!!!! She was only sick for 3 days and 2 of those weren't bad at all. She did share the cold with David and I though. I am so thankful that someone finally checked her tonsils and that we had them out.


Pooh's Pics said...

Hooray for no tonsils!!

Man, whoda thunk it would have been such an easy fix?

Cara said...

Can you believe that I was a small sickly child before I got mine out? After they were out I had the biggest growth spurt and I'm huge!