Monday, October 13, 2008

Shopping and weather

Anyone that knows me, knows that shopping is my opinion of an Olympic Sport. (The Gold medal would SO be mine.) Anyway, now that we live in snow country, my girls need a winter wardrobe. We went to the outlet mall yesterday and I managed to get all their winter clothes including a snowsuit for Allie for less than $100. Most of it came from The Children's Place. It seemed odd to be buying winter things on such a beautiful day (80). I had prepared David for the cold and snow and told him we'd likely see a few flakes by mid October. He now thinks I'm crazy as we have had daytime temperatures in the high 70's and night temps in the 60's. Today's high is forcasted to be 82. I figured I better brag about the weather now beacuse I KNOW I'm going to hear when we are up to our elbows in snow and my AZ family is still wearing shorts.


Pooh's Pics said...

holy schamoley! it's warmer there than in Mesa!
it's 77 here today, dropped down to 51 last night......BBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Kayla said...

yes, that weather will come sooner than you want it to! I hit the CP a couple of weeks ago and cleaned up for all 3 kids! I think I spent $140 and totally outfitted them all for the entire season (well, baby to be born will only use 1/2 season I guess) I only hit the waterloo outlets a few times and got lost each time. but it was worth it for the shopping