Sunday, January 4, 2009

Questions from K's blog

My sister-in-law Kayla posted this on her blog, encouraging others to
play along. I never do these because I feel like people check in on our
blog to see the girls not my ponderings, but I thought I'd go ahead and
answer it and then have something to reflect back on next year. I expect
the rest of you to answer these too!

What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before? Went to the
Festival of the Lights in Niagara Falls.

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more
for next year?
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. My ‘resolutions’ are
considerably more transient and tend to be devised and revised as situations

Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes! Myself, my sister-in-law Ines,
and my cousin Lena all delivered beautiful babies in 2008.

Did anyone close to you die? Yes, Mary Grace Peccorella, who was a
surrogate Great grandmother to my children, passed away. My fondest
memory of her was the way she would ‘sneak’ cookies to Victoria long after I
had put my foot down and said “enough sugar!”

What countries did you visit? Canada and Mexico

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? Stability,
I’m not a fan of having a life in transition.

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
July 12, the day our sweet Alexandra was born and also my Mother’s birthday,
August 26, the day Victoria had her tonsils out.

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Besides the birth of
my daughter? I would have to say it was the move to Rochester, NY. The move
was the culmination of 2 years worth of planning and preparing.

What was your biggest failure? I would have to say not losing the baby
weight fast enough. I lost the pounds but found my tummy to be a bit fluffier
than it had been before.

Did you suffer illness or injury?! We had the usual illnesses and colds, but
mostly it was a healthy year.

What was the best thing you bought? This is a tough one. I would have to
say our minivan because now my children are safer on the roadways.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Wow, a perfect
opportunity to blast someone but I must take the high road and not say anything.
She knows who she is…

Where did most of your money go? Mortgage, moving, diapers, groceries,
vehicle repairs, tuition

What did you get really, really, really excited about? This is going to
sounds really bad, but, Victoria’s tonsillectomy. We found out that her enlarged
adenoids had been blocking the nerves and passages in her ears and the she had
not been able to hear us clearly. Once they came out and she could hear, it meant
her finally being able to learn to speak.
What song will always remind you of 2008? Can’t think of one

Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, richer, nicer?
Happier, I guess. We were dealing with my being on strict bed rest because of the
threat of a miscarriage this time last year and now I can look at my beautiful healthy
daughter and feel happy. Nicer…probably not.

What do you wish you'd done more of? Spending time with family

What do you wish you'd done less of? Shopping

How did you spend Christmas? With my family

Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes, with my Alexandra

What was your favorite TV program? NCIS, Bones

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year. Hate
is a strong word. I can’t say I hate, but I did lose a great deal of respect for a
few people.

What was the best book you read this year? I have a 3 year old and a
5 month old, who has time to read???

What did you want and get? I got something I wanted, only to discover
once I had it that it wasn’t what I really wanted.

What were your favorite films of this year? No time for movies either.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? On my
birthday I spent the day flying across the country with Mom C and the girls.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more
I can’t answer this one right now.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008. I
love my pajamas. Nuff said.

What kept you sane? Sanity??? What’s that?

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? *shrug* no one really

What political issue stirred you the most? Abortion legislation

Who did you miss? I missed Pooh, who I consider to be my sister, much more
than an “in-law”, and the beautiful- but growing too fast -Miya, and the little
Poohlings. My mother, who was cheated out of knowing her wonderful grandbabies.

Who was the best new person (people) you met? I can’t give you a name,
but this year we were blessed by a secret Santa. This person had intimate knowledge
of our little family as all the gifts were perfect for us and the clothing sizes they chose
for the girls was spot on. They dropped off a bag of presents and a box of grocery
provisions for Christmas dinner. We felt so blessed. I was sad that I couldn’t thank
the person and I pray that God blesses them and that somehow they know how much
that act of kindness meant to us.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. To trust my instincts and
that the grass is not always greener

What are you most excited for in 2009? Tell ya later.

What are you least excited for in 2009? Life’s valleys


Pooh's Pics said...

"Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Wow, a perfect
opportunity to blast someone but I must take the high road and not say anything.
She knows who she is"


(we miss you all too)

Kayla said...

thanks for playing along! I'm excited for whatever news you'll be sharing in 2009.

Leburta said...

Interesting comments, I hope I'm not some of the bad ones mentioned. I hope you have a wonderful new year. Love, MOM C