Monday, October 13, 2008

Pokeweed Berry

This is a bunch of pokeweed berries. We have them in our backyard. I had never seen them before but didn't really pay a lot of attention to them. It wasn't until Victoria ate a bunch of them tonight that I decided I better figure out what they are. Pokeweed berries are a toxic herb type plant indigenous to this area. The berries were used by Native Americans to paint their horses for war, as well as an ink to write letters home during the civil war. Here's what happens when you eat them: vomiting, abdominal spasms, diarrhea, convulsions, and even death by respiratory paralysis- Not a pretty fate! We took Victoria to the emergency room, but were told all we could do was watch her and see. As I write this, she is doing fine. Children fare better than adults because they don't chew as much and apparently a large amount of the toxin is released when the seed inside is crushed. I will keep everyone posted.

**Update** The crucial time for a reaction to the berries has passed and Victoria is fine. She has quite a few itchy hives where her skin came in contact with berry juice but that's all.


Pooh's Pics said...

wow, they're kinda pretty.
are they supposed to taste good or does it repel so it's not likely she ate many?

Renee said...

I know that the plants shoots and leaves were used in salads and folk remedies, also to color wine which leads me to think they taste ok. I asked Vix and she said they were deeelicious. I don't know that I trust her answer though.

Kayla said...

aren't you just glad you know that she ate them?

Cara said...

My goodness! I'm glad she's ok.

Pooh's Pics said...

so it's just the seeds that are poisonous?

miyacamille said...

Those do look delectable... I bet i would have tried them too.

Im glad she is okay!!